The awards and submissions listed below are currently open. For questions about these or other awards/submissions, contact SPSP.

About the Award
    SPSP seeks personality and social psychologists from around the world to participate in its activities, striving to reflect the full range of human experiences and global diversity. The goal of this award is to serve as an incubator for testing creative ideas that would help build connections and communication across the world.

    Specifically, we invite creative proposals for ideas on how to increase internationalization within SPSP, with specific goals to promote communication, exchanges, and partnerships with scholars from countries currently underrepresented in SPSP and in mainstream personality and social psychology. Award selection criteria will focus on enhancing international diversity and global representation of the Society and more broadly of the field, as well as the proposal’s potential to build lasting exchanges and partnerships with scholars from underrepresented world regions. We encourage proposals that break boundaries and offer out-of-the-box solutions to foster SPSP’s mission to increase its global presence and reflect social and personality psychologists worldwide.

    Awardees will receive up to $1,500 USD to support the proposed activities (e.g., technology, marketing, membership fees for key collaborators from Low and Middle Income countries, if needed). For proposals that involve an in-person event (whether at the annual SPSP convention or self-organized in other locations), an additional $1,500 will be provided to cover the travel expenses of one or more primary organizers. One event organizer will additionally receive a complimentary SPSP membership.

    Recipients of this award will work with members of the SPSP International Committee to ensure the project’s feasibility and maximize the impact of proposed activities. At the end of the grant year, the individual or team awarded is expected to prepare a summary of the activity and any information that would be helpful to those planning similar events in the future.

    The types of activities this award would fund are flexible and they can be diverse and creative as long as they meet the award’s objectives. These activities can take place as part of the SPSP Annual Convention or fall outside of the scope of the convention.

    Any SPSP member (or non-member) is eligible to apply for the International Bridge-Building Award. (A one-year membership will be granted for one organizer per award.) Priority will be given to applications that are spearheaded by and focus on scholars from underrepresented areas including most countries in Asia; the Pacific Islands; Oceania; Southern and Eastern Europe; Africa and the Middle East; and Central America, South America, and the Caribbean. Our emphasis will be on those who are either based in those contexts or who can provide evidence of being in a good position to build bridges to them.

How to Apply
    If you are not a member of SPSP and do not have an account with us, create an account here. Questions? Contact

    Before the May 1, 2025 deadline, applicants will provide their current CV and a 1000-word proposal outlining the program/event (including a brief budget plan for the use of the $1500 award budget with timeline & activity description; same for the additional $1500 travel budget if applicable), describing how it would meet the goals described above, i.e. contribute to the internationalization of SPSP, and promoting communication, exchanges, and partnerships with scholars from countries currently underrepresented in SPSP and in mainstream personality and social psychology.   

Selection Process

  • Members of the SPSP International Committee will review the applications.
  • The main selection criteria will be the proposed program’s ability to increase international communication, collaboration, and partnership with scholars from underrepresented countries.

Submissions deadline May 1, 2025.

In 2017, inspired by discussion during the Increasing Diversity and Inclusiveness symposium at the 2017 Convention, the Society for Personality and Social Psychology launched the Community Building Grant Program.
SPSP members can apply to use these funds in their efforts to develop community and professional development among members of groups currently underrepresented in the field (including gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity and race, disability, and other underrepresented statuses).

SPSP seeks to provide small grants to support personality and social psychologists at all levels. This financial support is intended to assist SPSP members from underrepresented groups in their efforts to develop and host meetings to build community and develop professional skills. Examples could include dinner with an invited speaker, sharing and critiquing job materials, workshopping papers, skills building workshops, building new networks, and other community building activities.

Community Building support is not to be used for individuals to attend the SPSP Convention, preconferences, speaker honorariums, or awards.

Grants may be awarded for an amount up to $2,000. Larger or more formal meetings/conferences should apply for the small conference grant.

To apply for the Community Building Grant, applicants must be members of SPSP with current membership in good standing at time of application.

Your application will be evaluated based on its unique merit and capacity to promote and grow one of our underrepresented communities (including but not limited to: gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity and race, disability).

Preference will be given to application that 1) build community (expanding participants’ professional networks) and professional development skills. 2) include activities that develop or build new communities within SPSP, and 3) serve undergraduate students, graduate students, and/or junior scholars. Priority will also be given to applications that are not continuations of formerly funded Community Catalyst Grants though past grantees may still apply.

Rider on Use of Funds
Funds will be made available in one of two ways:
1)     Directly payable to another hosting/sponsoring entity OR the recipient’s university. If this method is chosen, a W9 from the payee will be required. Under this arrangement, SPSP is a sponsor and will not be legally or financially responsible for the conference and no contract should be signed under the auspice of SPSP, Inc.

2)     Funds hosted at SPSP. If this method is chosen, SPSP will be the host of the meeting and will assume contractual responsibility, including financial, legal and tax responsibility. Organizers will maintain control of the program content and will work with SPSP staff on budgets/contracts.
In either payment scenario, if the conference does not occur within 12 months of award, the funds must be returned to SPSP.

How to Apply
Applications are annually: the deadline is April 21, 2025.

The SPSP Fellowship Committee is currently accepting nominations for APA Division 8 Fellows who are currently Fellows in another APA division.

 In addition to filling out the APA application, you must also fill out this application for SPSP.

SPSP and APA invite nominations to be considered for APA Fellow status with Division 8. 

N.B. APA Division 8 Fellowship is a SEPARATE recognition and process distinct from SPSP’s Fellows program. Please see

Division 8 APA Fellows:

• must have a doctoral degree;

• must be an APA Division 8 member;

• must have prior status as an APA member for at least one year, and nomination by Division 8 (unless applicants are Current Fellows of another APA Division; see instructions below);

• must have at least five years of postdoctoral experience;

• must have made an extraordinary and distinctive contribution to the science of Personality and Social Psychology.*

The process to become an APA Fellow has two pathways:

Path 1: For First-time APA Fellowship via Division 8

• An application is submitted via the APA Online Fellows Application Platform available at This website also contains specific instructions and necessary materials.

• Please visit to view a Sample Fellows endorsement letter.**

• Final approval is by the APA.

Path 2: For Current Fellows of Another APA Division

If you are a current Fellow of another APA Division, you can become a Division 8 Fellow with the approval of the SPSP Fellows Committee:

• Since you are already an APA Fellow, you do not need to fill out the APA applications or process again.

• If you are a member in good standing in Division 8 of APA (i.e., current members of APA who also pay the extra $2 beyond APA dues to be members of Division 8), you may request that the SPSP Fellows Committee nominate you to APA as a Fellow of APA Division 8.

• Click the button below to submit your application. The materials will be sent to the SPSP Fellows committee*** who will review and pass your name along to APA if approved. 

• Final approval is by the APA.

All application materials for either path are due by 11:59pm on Sunday, January 12, 2025. 

Please contact Division 8 SPSP representative Jenn Lodi-Smith ( with any questions.

* Example evidence to demonstrate this distinction can be viewed at

** Division 8 fellows approved at the August convention will not be able to endorse any fellowship nominations until after January 1, when their Fellow status takes effect.

***The collection of nomination material is coordinated by the SPSP Fellows Committee and sent to the APA only in instances in which applicants are already an APA Fellow in another division.

  Questions? Contact Jenn Lodi-Smith,

 Contact Crystal Moore ( with any additional questions.

The SPSP Fellowship Committee is currently accepting nominations for SPSP Fellows.

  To be considered as an SPSP Fellow, you must:

  • Be a member of SPSP.
  • Have earned your Ph.D. more than 10  years ago.
  • Have made an extraordinary and distinctive contribution to the science of Personality and Social Psychology. 

The society recognizes that key contributions can be made not only by academic researchers, but also by teacher/scholars (whose job descriptions might entail little or no research) and applied scholars (who job descriptions entail little or no teaching and mentoring).

Applications will be reviewed taking into consideration the nature of the nominee’s position and key contributions to field. Thus, nominations should indicate which of the following categories best reflects the emphasis of the applicant’s position.

Research Emphasis - Review will approximately weight research 50%, teaching and mentoring 25%, and service 25%

Teaching Emphasis - Review will approximately weight research 25%, teaching and mentoring 50%, and service 25%

Applied Emphasis - Review will approximately weight research 50% and service 50%

Criteria that will be considered include scientific contributions, service to the field and community outreach, and excellence in teaching and mentoring (if applicable)

Scientific Contributions: The committee will consider a candidate’s publication record (e.g., peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, books, and edited volumes) and the scholarly impact of the candidate’s work on theory, data, or methods (e.g., citation counts, research awards, transformative or highly generative works). Impact of research can also be interpreted more broadly to consider the application of research to real world contexts or to inform public policy. This also includes working in government, non-profits, or industry, other evidence of research (even if not externally published) having scientific impact outside their organization will be considered.  

Service to the Field and/or Community Outreach: The committee will consider service contributions to professional organizations, scientific conferences, grant panels, journal editing or editorial boards, task-forces, outreach activities or knowledge translation to stakeholder groups, professional audiences, or general public, scientific blogs, contributions to academic centers or consortia, etc.  

Teaching and Mentoring: The committee will consider evidence of excellence in teaching, pedagogy, and/or mentoring at either the undergraduate, graduate level or executive/professional level. This can include developing and disseminating new curricula, writing a textbook or developing a teaching tool, receiving teaching awards, attracting students from underrepresented groups to the field, going above and beyond the norm in student supervision, mentoring, and leadership and/or producing any kind of scholarly work that improves the teaching of social and personality psychology.

Nominations and self-nominations are welcome.

More information is available at . Deadline to submit your application is April 21, 2025.

Please contact with any additional questions. 

The Robert B. Cialdini Prize is a prize for a single outstanding contribution that recognizes the author(s) of a publication that uses field methods and demonstrates relevance to outside groups. It is designed to recognize the publication that best explicates social psychological phenomena principally through the use of field research methods and settings and that thereby demonstrates the relevance of the discipline to communities outside of academic social psychology within a given year.

 This prize is intended to encourage work that both uses field methods and settings and has external applicability to outside communities. This prize is not intended for solely laboratory studies that have societal applicability, although reports that incorporate a small number of lab studies in the publication package will not be excluded from consideration if the bulk of the work was completed in the field.

 The term “field research methods” is meant to be inclusive of field experiments, and is not limited to correlational or nonexperimental approaches. The term “field research settings” is meant to include naturally-occurring domains in which research participants can expect to find themselves under normal life circumstances and in which they are unlikely to suppose that they are research participants.

Recipients of this prize will receive up to $1000 ($1500 International) in travel expenses to be split among all contributors, complimentary registration and a plaque, with acknowledgement at the annual Awards Ceremony held at the SPSP Annual Convention. This prize was endowed by Robert Cialdini through the Foundation for Personality and Social Psychology.



Eligible papers must have been published in peer-reviewed journals or as book chapters during the calendar year prior to nomination. For example, to be nominated in 2024, the publication must have been printed in calendar year 2023. Papers and chapters still "in press" are not eligible.


How to Apply

Submission Criteria

  • Electronic version of the nominated piece (in PDF or .doc format)
  • A summary of how the article fits the Rubric
  • If the nominated piece is a chapter and does not contain an abstract, a 150-word abstract must also be included

Rubric for Review Panelist

Research: Social psychology, demonstrated a research focus in social psychology, but can span any research area within social psychology

Research: Field Methods and Settings, bulk of work is conducted in the field (some laboratory experimental work is)

Research: Societal relevance, demonstrated through external applicability to outside communities, demonstrates relevance of social psychology to communities outside of academic social psychology

Research: Use of field settings, research is conducted in naturally-occurring domains in which research participants can expect to find themselves in normal life circumstances and in which they are unlikely to realize they are research participants

Research, Quality: High-quality idea; published in high-impact journal; likely to be highly cited

Writing, Quality: Demonstrated through organization, content, and mechanics of writing

Deadline for submissions is April 21, 2025  More information on our website.

 Questions should be directed to


Ends on

The SPSP Book Prize for the Promotion of Social and Personality Science is a prize for a single outstanding contribution that honors a book written by a psychologist that makes a distinctive and important contribution to the field by promoting an understanding of the science of social and personality psychology to the general public. Edited, ghost-written, and co-written books are eligible for this award, and submitters will be asked to clarify the roles of such contributors during the application process.

The recipient will receive a complimentary convention registration and a plaque and acknowledgement at the Awards Ceremony held at the SPSP Annual Convention.

Rubric Elements for Review Panelists

Impact: Demonstrated through influence   on readers (through readership numbers, awards, reviews, or other metrics)

Importance: Shares social and   personality psychological perspectives and findings that are important to   society

Promotes science: Effective in promoting an   understanding of the science of social and personality psychology to the   general public

Quality of writing for general public: Demonstrated through organization, content, and mechanics of writing


  • For the 2024 Book Prize, eligible books are those published during calendar year 2023, i.e. those with a 2023 copyright date.
  • Books, unpublished and ‘in press’, are not eligible.
  • Published in 2023 means (as rightly interpreted) appears in print in 2023 (i.e. not in press or published in 2022).
  • The publication year is the year the book was first published, not subsequent publications, i.e. into paperback format.
  • Edited, ghost-written, and co-written books are eligible for this award, and submitters will be asked to clarify the roles of such contributors during the application process.
  • Nominations will not be accepted from publishers or agents.

How to Apply

  • A one-page (300 word maximum) nomination letter 
  • A CV or resume
  • Summary describing the role of each contributor (if applicable)
  • A PDF of the book (either in final form or as typeset page proofs).

    , Deadline for submissions is April 21, 2025. More information on our website.

      Questions should be directed to

The Application of Personality and Social Psychology Award is a senior career award that honors a social or personality psychologist who has applied theoretical and/or empirical psychological discoveries and advances to the understanding and improvement of important practical problems across his or her career. This could include making applied theoretical and/or empirical psychological discoveries and advances while working in an academic setting, for applying social or personality psychology to other domains such as education, health, law, politics, or consumer behavior, or by working with organizations, government agencies, or industry.

Recipients of this award receive a up to $1000 in travel ($1500 International), complimentary convention registration, up to three hotel nights at the convention hotel, and a plaque, with acknowledgement at the annual Awards Ceremony held at the SPSP Annual Convention..



  • Recipient should have a distinguished record of psychological application to practical problems. 
  • Recipient should not have previously been awarded an SPSP senior career award (these include the Block Award, Campbell Award, Distinguished Scholar Award, Career Contribution Award, Methodological Innovator Award, and Application Award).


How to Apply

  • Brief bulleted list detailing the applied theoretical and/or empirical psychological discoveries and advances the nominee has made, or his or her applied contributions to organizations outside academia.
  • Nominee's current vita in electronic format with list of publications.

Rubric for Review Panelists

Research: Theoretical advancement, demonstrated   through highly influential theoretical work that clearly demonstrates research   impact over the career (through citations, grants, paper awards or other   metrics)

Research: Scholarly leadership, demonstrated   through an exceptional ability to effectively lead and collaborate in diverse   research team(s) (based on identities, multi-site, international, across   career stages, and/or multidisciplinary etc.)

Deadline for submissions in April 20, 2024. More information on our website.

Questions should be directed to

The SPSP Award for Distinguished Service to the Society recognizes distinguished service specifically to SPSP. Distinguished service may be in terms of a particular, significant activity that benefited the Society or cumulative contributions, performed over time, to the Society. The Society recognizes that service comes in many forms, and this award expresses the Society's appreciation of distinctive contributions.
Recipients of this award receive a plaque, with acknowledgement at the annual Awards Ceremony held at the SPSP Annual Convention, as well as a complimentary convention registration.



  • Recipients must be members of SPSP.
  • Recipients will have made contributions to the Society that may appear in various forms.

Application Requirements


  • A bulleted list detailing the nominee’s contributions to SPSP.
  • Nominee's current vita in electronic format. 

Deadline for submissions is April 21, 2025. More information on our website.

Questions should be directed to

The SPSP Service to the Field Award on Behalf of Personality and Social Psychology is for distinguished efforts by individuals to benefit the field of social and personality psychology generally. These efforts may involve activities to support educational and research activities in the field, professional leadership, and achievements that enhance the reputation of the field. Recipients may be members of the Society or the profession or individuals outside of psychology or academia. The Society recognizes the diversity of activities that may merit this award.

Recipients of this award receive a plaque, with acknowledgement at the annual Awards Ceremony held at the SPSP Annual Convention, as well as a complimentary convention registration.

Recipients will have made contributions to the field that may appear in various forms.

Application Requirements

  • A brief bullet-ed list detailing the nominee’s contributions to the field.
  • Nominee's current vita in electronic format. 

Deadline for submissions is April 21, 2025 More information on our website.

Questions should be directed to

The Carol and Ed Diener Award in Personality Psychology is designed to recognize a mid-career scholar (approximately 15-25 years from their first tenure-track appointment) whose work has added substantially to the body of knowledge to the personality field and/or brings together personality psychology and social psychology.

Recipients of this award receive up to a $1000 ($1500 International) in travel expenses, up to three room nights at the convention hotel, a plaque with acknowledgement at the annual Awards Ceremony held at the SPSP Annual Convention and a complimentary convention registration. This award was endowed by Carol and Ed Diener through the Foundation for Personality and Social Psychology.

Eligibility Recipients will be mid-career (approximately 15-25 years past their first appointment) who have made significant contributions to the field of social psychology.

 Application Requirements 

  • Individuals may self-nominate or be nominated by others
  • A bullet-ed list detailing how the nominee's work fits the award criteria is required
  • Nominee's current vita in electronic format

 Deadline for submission is April 21, 2025. More information on our website.  Additional questions should be directed to

The Carol and Ed Diener Award in Social Psychology is designed to recognize a mid-career scholar (approximately 15-25 years from their first tenure-track appointment) whose work has added substantially to the body of knowledge to the social psychology field and/or brings together personality psychology and social psychology.

Recipients of this award receive up to a $1000 ($1500 International) in travel expenses, up to three room nights at the convention hotel, a plaque with acknowledgement at the annual Awards Ceremony held at the SPSP Annual Convention and a complimentary convention registration. This award was endowed by Carol and Ed Diener through the Foundation for Personality and Social Psychology.

Recipients will be mid-career (approximately 15-25 years past their first appointment) who have made significant contributions to the field of social psychology.

Application Requirements

  • Individuals may self-nominate or be nominated by others
  • A bullet-ed list detailing how the nominee's work fits the award criteria is required
  • Nominee's current vita in electronic format

Deadline for submission is April 21, 2025. More information on our website.

Additional questions should be directed to

The Media Award for Excellence in Science Journalism honors a member of the media for excellence in coverage of the personality and social psychology field. Recipients may be recognized for a particular piece of media coverage published in 2022 or for a distinguished record of disseminating knowledge of the field to the general public. Blogs and op-eds written by academics are not eligible.

The recipient will receive up to $1000 ($1500 International) in travel (air/ground), up to three nights hotel stay at the convention hotel, complimentary convention registration, a plaque and acknowledgement at the Awards Ceremony held at the SPSP Annual Convention.


Recipients should have made significant contributions to the field of personality and social psychology through journalism.

Rubric Elements for Review Panelists

  • Impact, demonstrated through influence on readers (through   readership numbers, awards, reviews, or other metrics)
  • Reporting leadership, demonstrated through an exceptional ability to   accurately depict and represent a breadth or depth of findings in social  psychology
  • Collaborative excellence,  demonstrated through working  with/alongside members of the field to produce media (e.g., consulting with   researchers, attending talks on research practices) 

Application Requirements

Nominators should submit applications consisting of four parts: 

  1. A one-page (300 word maximum) nomination letter
  2. The nominee's CV or resume
  3. An comprehensive bibliography of  relevant articles the nominee has written for general (i.e., non-specialist) psychological audiences; and
  4. PDFs of 1-3 representative articles. 

Deadline for submission is April 21, 2025. More information on our website.

Questions should be directed to

The Methodological Innovator Award is a senior career award that recognizes an individual who has made a significant or sustained contribution to innovative methods in social and personality psychology across his or her career. The award recognizes contributions that are especially likely to generate the discovery of new hypotheses, new phenomena, or new ways of thinking about the discipline of social/personality psychology. The award is made in recognition of a record of sustained contributions in one or several areas.

Recipients of this award receive a up to $1000 in travel ($1500 International), complimentary convention registration, up to three hotel nights at the convention hotel, and a plaque, with acknowledgement at the annual Awards Ceremony held at the SPSP Annual Convention.



Recipients are the creators of sustained innovative methodological contributions (including developments of new methods, including analytic methods; innovative applications of existing methods; and creative application of methods from other fields) across their careers. Contributions by an individual could include articles, papers, book chapters, books, websites, pieces of software or hardware, symposia, or other inventions created or released and judged to be innovative.



Recipients are the creators of sustained innovative methodological contributions (including developments of new methods, including analytic methods; innovative applications of existing methods; and creative application of methods from other fields) across their careers. Contributions by an individual could include articles, papers, book chapters, books, websites, pieces of software or hardware, symposia, or other inventions created or released and judged to be innovative.



Recipients are the creators of sustained innovative methodological contributions (including developments of new methods, including analytic methods; innovative applications of existing methods; and creative application of methods from other fields) across their careers. Contributions by an individual could include articles, papers, book chapters, books, websites, pieces of software or hardware, symposia, or other inventions created or released and judged to be innovative.

How to Apply

Submission Criteria

  • A  brief summary detailing how the nominee has made a significant or sustained contribution to innovative methods in social and personality psychology
  • Nominee's current vita in electronic format with list of publications.
  • Recipient should not have previously been awarded an SPSP senior career award (these include the Block Award, Campbell Award, Distinguished Scholar Award, Career Contribution Award, Methodological Innovator Award, and Application Award).

Rubric for Review Panelists

 Research: Theoretical   advancement, demonstrated through highly influential work that clearly   demonstrates adding to the field (through citations, grants, paper awards, or   other metrics). This award is intended for individuals whose career   contributions are outstanding, but do not fit neatly within the prototypical   social or personality research areas.

Research: Methodological   advancement, demonstrated through exceptional contribution to   methodological innovation (e.g., analysis tool, statistical approach, recruitment   technique) or improvement.

Research: Scholarly   leadership, demonstrated through an exceptional ability to effectively   lead and collaborate in diverse research team(s) (based on identities,  multi-site, international, across career stages, and/or multidisciplinary  etc.)

Deadline for submission is April 21, 2025. More information on our website.

Questions should be directed to

The Nalini Ambady Award for Mentoring Excellence is a teaching and mentoring award that honors a personality or social psychologist who has demonstrated a career-long commitment to fostering the professional and intellectual development of students and early career researchers. This award is intended to recognize exceptional and selfless efforts to shape our field through mentoring activities that promote research integrity, impact, and productivity, and also a record of serving as an accessible and supportive advisor. The award is named in memory of Nalini Ambady, who was widely-known for her dedicated mentoring of undergraduates, graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, and junior faculty.

Recipients of this award receive a plaque, with acknowledgement at the annual Awards Ceremony held at the SPSP Annual Convention, as well as a complimentary convention registration.


  • Recipients should have made significant contributions through a career-long commitment to fostering the professional and intellectual development of students and early career researchers.
  • Individuals may self-nominate or be nominated by others.

Application Requirements

  • A summary or bullet-ed list that describes the nominee’s mentoring objectives, process, and influence on the field, including a list of previous mentees if desired.
  • Letters of support from up to three graduate student mentees. 
  • CV or Resume

Rubric for Review Panelist

Students successfully supported: a large number of students that have been mentored by this individual have gone on to achieve professional success (inside or outside of academia)  

Innovativeness of mentorship practices: investment of time and effort into developing and/or implementing innovative mentorship practices in order to support their students

Commitment to diversity: Successful mentorship of students with backgrounds traditionally underrepresented in academia

The deadline for submission is April 21, 2025. More information on our website.

Questions should be directed to

The Jenessa Shapiro Award for Contributions to Diversity and Inclusion recognizes a faculty member who has had a direct and significant impact on the representation and experiences of underrepresented individuals in social/personality psychology and/or the broader community.

The award is named in memory of UCLA professor Jenessa Shapiro, who thought it was extremely important to promote diversity and inclusion in her lab, at the university, and in the field more generally. Jenessa took concrete actions to do this in a number of ways, ranging from volunteering for mentorship lunches at professional conferences to serving on committees to address issues of diversity within her departments as well as at the National Institutes of Health. She also engaged in countless other less visible activities to contribute to the goals of diversity, inclusion, and social justice that she never advertised.

Recipients of this award receive a $500 honorarium and accompanying plaque, which are presented at the annual Awards Ceremony held at the SPSP Annual Convention, as well as a complimentary one-year SPSP membership.


Recipients should have had a direct and significant impact on the representation and experiences of underrepresented individuals in social/personality psychology and/or the broader community.
Individuals may self-nominate or be nominated by others.

Application Requirements

 - A  page summary that describes how the nominee fits the criteria for this award.

- Nominee's current vita in electronic format.

- OPTIONAL: Letters of support from up to three individuals (e.g. student mentees, colleagues) who are in a position to speak to the nominee’s qualifications for the awards.

Deadline for submission is April 21, 2025. More information on our website.

 Questions should be directed to

The Block Award is SPSP's senior career award for research accomplishment in personality psychology. It was named for Jack Block, who was known for his analytic and theoretical sophistication and depth, as well as for his broad interests. The recipients of this award are recognized for their scientifically rigorous career research accomplishments in personality psychology rather than for a specific discovery or article.

Recipients of this award receive a up to $1000 in travel ($1500 International), complimentary convention registration, up to three hotel nights at the convention hotel, and a plaque, with acknowledgement at the annual Awards Ceremony held at the SPSP Annual Convention. The recipient will also give an address in a special plenary session (along with the Campbell Award and Distinguished Scholar recipients).

Recipients should have shown career research accomplishment in personality psychology.

How to Apply

  • A summary or brief bulleted list detailing the nominee’s scientifically rigorous career research accomplishments in personality psychology.
  • Nominee's current vita in electronic format with list of publications.
  • Recipient should not have previously been awarded an SPSP senior career award (these include the Block Award, Campbell Award, Distinguished Scholar Award, Career Contribution Award, Methodological Innovator Award, and Application Award).
  • Recipient should not have previously been awarded an SPSP senior career award (these include the Block Award, Campbell Award, Distinguished Scholar Award, Career Contribution Award, Methodological Innovator Award, and Application Award).

Rubric for Review Panelists
Research: Theoretical advancement, demonstrated   through highly influential theoretical work that clearly demonstrates research   impact over the career (through citations, grants, paper awards or other   metrics)
Research: Scholarly leadership, demonstrated   through an exceptional ability to effectively lead and collaborate in diverse   research team(s) (based on identities, multi-site, international, across   career stages, and/or multidisciplinary etc.)

Deadline for submission is April 21, 2025. More information on our website.

Questions should be directed to

The Donald T. Campbell Award is a senior career award that recognizes distinguished scholarly achievement and sustained excellence in research in social psychology. This award is intended to recognize rigorous research over one's career, rather than one specific discovery or publication.

This award honors an individual who has contributed to the field of social psychology in significant ways. It is not limited by research area or methodological approach to social psychological science.

Recipients of this award receive a up to $1000 in travel ($1500 International), complimentary convention registration, up to three hotel nights at the convention hotel, and a plaque, with acknowledgement at the annual Awards Ceremony held at the SPSP Annual Convention. The recipient will also give an address in a special plenary session (along with the Campbell Award and Distinguished Scholar recipients).

Recipients should have shown distinguished scholarly achievement and sustained excellence in research in social psychology.

How to Apply


  • A brief bulleted list detailing the nominee’s distinguished scholarly achievement, sustained excellence, and scientifically rigorous career research accomplishments in social psychology.
  • Nominee's current vita in electronic format with list of publications.
  • Recipient should not have previously been awarded an SPSP senior career award (these      include the Block Award, Campbell Award, Distinguished Scholar Award, Career Contribution Award, Methodological Innovator Award, and Application Award). 

Deadline for submission is April 21, 2025. More information on our website.

Questions should be directed to

The Career Contribution Award is a senior career award that honors a scholar who has made major theoretical and/or empirical contributions to social psychology and/or personality psychology or to bridging these areas together. This award may recognize recipients who have been under-recognized for their distinguished scholarly contributions across long and productive careers.

Recipients of this award receive a up to $1000 in travel ($1500 International), complimentary convention registration, up to three hotel nights at the convention hotel, and a plaque, with acknowledgement at the annual Awards Ceremony held at the SPSP Annual Convention.



  • Recipients will be senior scholars who have made major theoretical and/or empirical contributions to social psychology and/or personality psychology or to bridging these areas, and have been under-recognized for their distinguished scholarly contributions across long and productive 

How to Apply

  • Five      hundred words or less detailing the nominee’s major theoretical and/or empirical contributions to social psychology and/or personality psychology or to bridging these areas.
  • Nominee's current vita in electronic format with list of publications.
  • Recipient should not have previously been awarded an SPSP senior career award (these include the Block Award, Campbell Award, Distinguished Scholar Award, Career Contribution Award, Methodological Innovator Award, and Application Award).

Rubric for Review Panelists

Research: Theoretical advancement, demonstrated through highly influential theoretical work that clearly demonstrates research impact   over the career (through citations, grants, paper awards or other metrics)

Research: Scholarly leadership, demonstrated through an   exceptional ability to effectively lead and collaborate in diverse research   team(s) (based on identities, multi-site, international, across career   stages, and/or multidisciplinary etc.)

Deadline for submission is April 21, 2025. More information on our website.
Questions should be directed to

The Distinguished Scholar Award is a senior career award that recognizes the broad scope and potentially integrative nature of scholarship in personality and social psychology. It honors a scholar who has made distinctively valuable research contributions across his or her career that bridge personality and social psychology or bridge personality or social psychology to another field (ie. law, education, organizations, or medicine). It is intended for individuals whose career contributions are outstanding, but do not fit neatly within the prototypical social or personality research areas.

Recipients of this award receive a up to $1000 in travel ($1500 International), complimentary convention registration, up to three hotel nights at the convention hotel, and a plaque, with acknowledgement at the annual Awards Ceremony held at the SPSP Annual Convention. The recipient will also give an address in a special plenary session (along with the Block Award and Campbell Award recipients).  



  • Recipients are scholars who have made distinctively valuable research contributions across his or her career in areas that bridge personality and social psychology or bridge personality or social psychology to another field (ie. law, education, organizations, or medicine). 

How to Apply

  • A  brief summary or bulleted list detailing the nominee’s career contributions that bridge personality and social psychology or bridge personality or social psychology to another field (ie. law, education,      organizations, or medicine).
  • Nominee's current vita in electronic format with list of publications.
  • Recipient should not have previously been awarded an SPSP senior career award (these include the Block Award, Campbell Award, Distinguished Scholar Award, Career Contribution Award, Methodological Innovator Award, and Application  Award).

Rubric for Review Panelists

 Research: Theoretical advancement, demonstrated through highly   influential work that clearly demonstrates adding to the field (through   citations, grants, paper awards, or other metrics). This award is intended   for individuals whose career contributions are outstanding, but do not fit   neatly within the prototypical social or personality research areas.

Research: Methodological advancement, demonstrated through exceptional   contribution to methodological innovation (e.g., analysis tool, statistical   approach, recruitment technique) or improvement.

Research: Scholarly leadership, demonstrated through an exceptional   ability to effectively lead and collaborate in diverse research team(s)   (based on identities, multi-site, international, across career stages, and/or   multidisciplinary etc.)

Deadline for submission is April 21 , 2025. More information on our website.

Questions should be directed to

The Undergraduate Teaching and Mentoring award was designed to recognize excellence in teaching and mentoring among faculty at colleges and universities that do not have Ph.D. programs in social and/or personality psychology. The award is open to faculty at community colleges and those whose teaching is primarily online.

Recipients of this award receive a plaque, with acknowledgement at the annual Awards Ceremony held at the SPSP Annual Convention, as well as a complimentary convention registration.



  • Self-nominations are encouraged.
  • Recipients should have shown excellence in teaching and mentoring at an institution without a Ph.D. program in social and/or personality psychology.
  • This award is open to faculty who have been teaching and mentoring students full-time for five years since receiving their doctoral degree.
  • Recipients may teach at a 4-year or 2-year institution.

Application Requirements

  • A summary or bulleted list of mentoring excellence such as student mentored projects, conference presentations, student mentored publications, student success in the field  
  • Up to three letters of support. 
  • CV or Resume  

Deadline for submission is April 21, 2025 More information on our website.

Questions should be directed to

The Daniel M. Wegner Theoretical Innovation Prize is a prize for a single outstanding contribution that recognizes the author of an article or book chapter judged to provide the most innovative theoretical contribution to social/personality psychology within a given year.

Any kind of innovative theoretical contribution can be considered for the prize, including presentations of new theories, new theory-based integrations of disparate areas of inquiry, and significant extensions of existing theories to new areas of inquiry. Theoretical contributions are eligible for the prize regardless of whether they appear in stand-alone theoretical papers, within conceptually-based literature reviews, or in some other type of article or book chapter in which conceptual innovation is highlighted.

Recipients of this award receive a complimentary convention registration and a plaque, with acknowledgement at the annual Awards Ceremony held at the SPSP Annual Convention. This award was endowed by support from Worth Publishers through the Foundation for Personality and Social Psychology.


Recipients are the authors of eligible papers. Eligible papers must have been published in peer-reviewed journals or as book chapters during the calendar year prior to nomination. For example, to be nominated in 2023, the publication must have been printed in calendar year 2022. Papers and chapters still "in press" are not eligible.

How to Apply

Submission Criteria

  • Electronic version of the nominated piece (in PDF or .doc format)
  • A summary describing how the article fits the Rubric. 
  • If the nominated piece is a chapter and does not contain an abstract, a 150-word abstract must also be included.

Rubric for Review Panelist

Research: Theoretical advancement, demonstrated through theoretical insight that will have short-term and long-term value to the field

Research: Published in high-impact journal and likely to be highly cited

Quality of writing for general public: Demonstrated through organization, content, and mechanics of writing

 Deadline for submission is April 21, 2025. More information on our website.
 Questions should be directed to

The Heritage Dissertation Research Awards program is a competition for dissertation research funding. The purpose of these awards is to assist doctoral students in personality and social psychology with research costs associated with their doctoral dissertations. 

The Foundation for Personality and Social Psychology intends to award 6 grants of $2,000 each. At least two grants will be in personality psychology and at least two grants will be in social psychology. The intent of the Foundation is to increase the number of awards in the future as additional funds become available.

   1.  Applicants must be graduate students in personality and/or social psychology in good standing with their university. Applicants must be enrolled full-time (or working on their dissertation research for an equivalent of full-time enrollment regardless of actual registration status).

   2.  Applicants must be student members of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology at the time they apply for the award.

   3.  Applicants must have had their dissertation proposals approved by their dissertation committees prior to application.

   4.  Each department may endorse no more than two (2) students per year for the Heritage Dissertation Research Award. If more than two students from a department wish to apply for these funds, the department should perform an initial screening and choose only two applications for submission.

   5.  Applicants must not have previously received a Heritage Dissertation Research Award.  

   6.  The dissertation research may be in any area of social or personality psychology.


 How to Apply


  • Abstract should be in the tradition of one of the Heritage Awardees, defined very broadly, your abstract should briefly indicate the name of the Heritage nominee that your work follows. 2 page maximum. SPSP Heritage Wall
  • Curriculum vitae including scientific publications, presentations, research and teaching experience.
  • Paragraph  describing how the funds will be used to support their research.      Funds can be used for research-related expenses such as participant fees, equipment, research supplies, or specialized programming. Funds may NOT be used to buy a computer, overhead, administrative support, or conference  travel. 
  • A letter of recommendation from the applicant’s academic advisor is      required to complete the application process. Please note that this letter      has a maximum length of (1) page, single-spaced. Please communicate to the faculty member who will write your recommendation letter the importance of adhering to this maximum page limit. In addition, please do not submit more than one letter of recommendation; only one will be forwarded for review. 
  • The letter writer will submit his/her letter on-line and The letter must also verify the following information:

                1. the applicant is in good standing in his or her program.

                2. the proposal has been approved by the applicant’s committee (or the equivalent designation for   the Ph.D. program).

                3. the date the student is expected to complete the dissertation.

               4. a statement indicating that the funds are needed to complete the research.

 Advisor Recommendation
A letter of recommendation from the applicant’s academic advisor is required to complete the application process. Please note that this letter has a maximum length of (1) page, single-spaced. Please communicate to the faculty member who will write your recommendation letter the importance of adhering to this maximum page limit. In addition, please do not submit more than one letter of recommendation; only one will be forwarded for review. The letter writer will submit his/her letter on-line.

Applications (including letters of recommendation) should  be received no later than April 21, 2025.

   More information is available on our website. Contact with any questions.


The Jenessa Shapiro Graduate Research Award provides assistance to a graduate student from an underrepresented background with the cost of conducting research in personality and/or social psychology up to $1,000. Up to two student awards are given per year. This award can be given at any stage of a student’s graduate career; that is, the research does not need to be part of the student’s dissertation.

The award is named in memory of UCLA professor Jenessa Shapiro, who thought it was extremely important to promote diversity and inclusion in her lab, at the university, and in the field more generally. Jenessa took concrete actions to do this in a number of ways, ranging from volunteering for mentorship lunches at professional conferences to serving on committees to address issues of diversity within her departments as well as at the National Institutes of Health. She also engaged in countless other less visible activities to contribute to the goals of diversity, inclusion, and social justice that she never advertised.  


 1. Applicants must be graduate students in personality and/or social psychology in good standing with their university. Applicants must be enrolled full-time (or working on their dissertation research for an equivalent of full-time enrollment regardless of actual registration status).

2. The research may be in any area of social or personality psychology.

3. Applicants must be a member of an underrepresented group in social/personality psychology (these groups include, but are not necessarily limited to, ethnic and racial minorities; first-generation college students; lesbian, gay and bisexual students; transgender students; and students with a physical disability).

4. Applicants cannot have previously won the Jenessa Shapiro Graduate Research Award.

Applicants will submit the following to apply for the Award:

- A description of the proposed research (no more than 2 pages single-spaced).

 - One additional paragraph describing the use of funds if awarded.

 - A current CV.

Advisor Recommendation

 A letter of recommendation from the applicant’s academic advisor is required to complete the application process. Please note that this letter has a maximum length of (1) page, single-spaced. Please communicate to the faculty member who will write your recommendation letter the importance of adhering to this maximum page limit. In addition, please do not submit more than one letter of recommendation; only one will be forwarded for review. The letter writer will submit his/her letter on-line.                                           
Deadline for submission is April 21, 2025.


SPSP, in collaboration with SAGE Publications, is pleased to award the SAGE Early Career Trajectory Award. This award recognizes outstanding achievements by early career scholars (between 4 and 6 years Post-PhD, October of the academic year you are nominated or later) in social and personality psychology, including contributions to teaching, research, and/or service to the field. Awardees will receive free conference registration along with $2000 to be used at their discretion for research, study, and/or conference travel-related expenses.


To be eligible for the SAGE Early Career Trajectory Award, candidates must be between 4 and 6 years Post-PhD, by October of the academic year in which they are nominated (PhD awarded between October 2018 – September 2021 [inclusive]). That is, you are nominated in October 2024 for an award due in April 2025. Recipients of the SAGE Emerging Scholar Award are eligible for the Trajectory Award. Previous winners of the SAGE Early Career Trajectory Award and/or the SAGE Young Scholar Award are not eligible to win again. 


How to Apply
  All candidates should have demonstrated exceptional individual or collaborative achievements in social and/or personality psychology (broadly defined), that are commensurate with their career stage. Candidates can make a case in one or more categories; research, teaching, and/or service. For each category chosen, a 500-word maximum essay is required. An applicant will only be selected based on one category (e.g., being selected for the award based on teaching precludes you from also being selected based on research). As each category (research/teaching/service) will be evaluated separately, applicants will not be given a “boost” for making a case on the basis of multiple categories (nor will they be disadvantaged for submitting on the basis of only one category). We encourage applicants to submit cases for as many categories as they feel they can provide a strong case for (this could be a single category, two categories, or all three categories). 


For each category, applicants will be evaluated on the basis of their statement(s) as well as their CV. To facilitate review, we ask that applicants submit a CV that (1) includes your educational background and academic positions (2) and organizes all other information under the clear headers of Research (e.g., publications, presentations, research funding, research-relevant awards), Teaching (e.g., courses taught, teaching-relevant publications, course evaluations, teaching-relevant awards), and Service (e.g., service positions, service-relevant awards, public outreach). Please include all three sections, even if you are submitting a case for only one or two categories.


Applicants will also be invited to supply information (in an additional, optional 150-word statement) on the context of their achievement (e.g., institutional resources, start-up budget, geographic location, teaching load, parental/medical leave).


Following an evaluation of the 2023 awards, only self-nominations will be allowed for this award. That is, you can only nominate yourself—not another person—for this award. The reason for this change is that self-nominations tended to be more detailed and specific compared to other-nominations, and those who self-nominated were more likely to win the award in 2023. To level the playing field, we have decided to remove the other-nomination option. If you would have nominated someone, we strongly encourage you to reach out to them to encourage them to apply for this award.

Submission Requirements

Only self-nominations are allowed. 

● A 500-word essay is required for each category chosen (research, teaching, and/or service). 

● Optional 150-word statement on the context of the achievements.

● CV (no page limit) that contains clear headings of Research, Teaching, and Service.

Rubric for Review Panelists
 Research excellence, advancement, and leadership, demonstrated through e.g.,

● highly influential work that clearly demonstrates adding to the field (through citations, paper awards, or other metrics); 

● developing important theories/ideas;

● collecting valuable data that advance the field;

● contribution to methodological innovation (e.g., analysis tool, statistical approach) or improvement (e.g., analysis tool, statistical approach, recruitment technique); 

● research making impacts on society (e.g., informing policy, improving practices that improve individual and social wellness);

● ability to effectively lead and collaborate with diverse research team(s) (multi-site, international, and/or multidisciplinary, etc.);

● highly-cited and impactful papers independent from the major program of work of PhD supervisor; 

● efforts in research dissemination and securing funding that suggests research productivity (e.g., citations, submitting grants, paper awards, or other metrics); and/or

● editorial board involvement


Teaching/mentoring excellence, advancement, and leadership, demonstrated through e.g.,

● creation or spearheading of new cross-disciplinary or cross-institutional teaching efforts (e.g., specific pedagogical techniques, development of innovative resources shared with others);

● creating new courses and developing/using new methods to improve teaching quality; 

● recognized success in classroom teaching effectiveness;

● pedagogical reach through inclusive and developmental teaching practices (e.g., diverse class examples, and engaging teaching techniques); 

● both of number of students being mentored and the impact of quality practices to support a diverse body of students to succeed; 

● conducting research on the scholarship of teaching and learning (SOTL); 

● contributing to SPSP efforts to support the development of teachers (e.g., Teaching of Psychology pre-conference presentations, professional development sessions or workshops on teaching; and/or

● sharing best practices with the broader community (creating open access to new teaching resources or methods, giving talks on improving teaching practices, mentoring others in teaching, etc.)


Service excellence, advancement, and leadership, demonstrated through e.g.,

● involvement/leadership in efforts to build and support collaborative research networks (e.g. open science work); 

● excellence in creating and supporting diversity and inclusion initiatives (e.g., BLaSPR);

● start-up or entrepreneurial work that provides services that improve the field; 

● involvement in SPSP efforts (e.g. chairing SPSP committees, and task forces); 

● efforts internally at the home institution (e.g., departmental or university committees); and/or 

● efforts externally, such as working with non-profits, government, community partners, and other agencies (e.g., scientific advocacy, policy transformation)

Applications should
 be received no later than April 21, 2025. Contact with any questions.

SPSP, in collaboration with SAGE Publications, is pleased to award the SAGE Emerging Scholar Award. This award recognizes outstanding achievements by early career PhD scholars (between 0 and 3 years Post-PhD, October of the academic year you are nominated or later) in social and personality psychology, including contributions to teaching, research, or service to the field. Awardees will receive free conference registration along with $2000 to be used at their discretion for research, study, and/or conference travel-related expenses.

   To be eligible for the SAGE Emerging Scholar Award, candidates must have earned their PhD and be between 0 and 3 years Post-PhD by October of the academic year in which they are nominated (PhD awarded during or after October 2021). That is, you are nominated in October 2024 for an award due in April 2025. Previous winners of the SAGE Emerging Scholar Award and/or the SAGE Young Scholar Award are not eligible to win again.

How to Apply
   All candidates should have demonstrated exceptional individual or collaborative achievements in social and/or personality psychology (broadly defined), that are commensurate with their career stage. Candidates can make a case in one or more categories; research, teaching, and/or service. For each category chosen, a 500-word maximum essay is required. An applicant will only be selected based on one category (e.g., being selected for the award based on teaching precludes you from also being selected based on research). As each category (research/teaching/service) will be evaluated separately, applicants will not be given a “boost” for making a case on the basis of multiple categories (nor will they be disadvantaged for submitting on the basis of only one category). We encourage applicants to submit cases for as many categories as they feel they can provide a strong case for (this could be a single category, two categories, or all three categories). 


For each category, applicants will be evaluated on the basis of their statement(s) as well as their CV. To facilitate review, we ask that applicants submit a CV that (1) includes your educational background and academic positions (2) and organizes all other information under the clear headers of Research (e.g., publications, presentations, research funding, research-relevant awards), Teaching (e.g., courses taught, teaching-relevant publications, course evaluations, teaching-relevant awards), and Service (e.g., service positions, service-relevant awards, public outreach). Please include all three sections, even if you are submitting a case for only one or two categories.


Applicants will also be invited to supply information (in an additional, optional 150-word statement) on the context of their achievement (e.g., institutional resources, start-up budget, geographic location, teaching load, parental/medical leave).


Following an evaluation of the 2023 awards, only self-nominations will be allowed for this award. That is, you can only nominate yourself—not another person—for this award. The reason for this change is that self-nominations tended to be more detailed and specific compared to other-nominations, and those who self-nominated were more likely to win the award in 2023. To level the playing field, we have decided to remove the other-nomination option. If you would have nominated someone, we strongly encourage you to reach out to them to encourage them to apply for this award.

Submission Requirements

Only self-nominations are allowed. 

● A 500-word essay is required for each category chosen (research, teaching, and/or service). 

● Optional 150-word statement on the context of the achievements.

● CV (no page limit) that contains clear headings of Research, Teaching, and Service.

Rubric for Review Panelists
 Research excellence, advancement, and leadership, demonstrated through e.g.,

● highly influential work that clearly demonstrates adding to the field (through citations, paper awards, or other metrics); 

● developing important theories/ideas;

● collecting valuable data that advance the field;

● contribution to methodological innovation (e.g., analysis tool, statistical approach) or improvement (e.g., analysis tool, statistical approach, recruitment technique); 

● research making impacts on society (e.g., informing policy, improving practices that improve individual and social wellness);

● ability to effectively lead and collaborate with diverse research team(s) (multi-site, international, and/or multidisciplinary, etc.);

● highly-cited and impactful papers independent from the major program of work of PhD supervisor; 

● efforts in research dissemination and securing funding that suggests research productivity (e.g., citations, submitting grants, paper awards, or other metrics); and/or

● editorial board involvement


Teaching/mentoring excellence, advancement, and leadership, demonstrated through e.g.,

● creation or spearheading of new cross-disciplinary or cross-institutional teaching efforts (e.g., specific pedagogical techniques, development of innovative resources shared with others);

● creating new courses and developing/using new methods to improve teaching quality; 

● recognized success in classroom teaching effectiveness;

● pedagogical reach through inclusive and developmental teaching practices (e.g., diverse class examples, and engaging teaching techniques); 

● both of number of students being mentored and the impact of quality practices to support a diverse body of students to succeed; 

● conducting research on the scholarship of teaching and learning (SOTL); 

● contributing to SPSP efforts to support the development of teachers (e.g., Teaching of Psychology pre-conference presentations, professional development sessions or workshops on teaching; and/or

● sharing best practices with the broader community (creating open access to new teaching resources or methods, giving talks on improving teaching practices, mentoring others in teaching, etc.)


Service excellence, advancement, and leadership, demonstrated through e.g.,

● involvement/leadership in efforts to build and support collaborative research networks (e.g. open science work); 

● excellence in creating and supporting diversity and inclusion initiatives (e.g., BLaSPR);

● start-up or entrepreneurial work that provides services that improve the field; 

● involvement in SPSP efforts (e.g. chairing SPSP committees, and task forces); 

● efforts internally at the home institution (e.g., departmental or university committees); and/or 

● efforts externally, such as working with non-profits, government, community partners, and other agencies (e.g., scientific advocacy, policy transformation)

Applications should be received no later than April 21, 2025. Contact with any questions.

Society for Personality and Social Psychology