The SPSP Fellowship Committee is currently accepting nominations for APA Division 8 Fellows who are currently Fellows in another APA division.
In addition to filling out the APA application, you must also fill out this application for SPSP.
SPSP and APA invite nominations to be considered for APA Fellow status with Division 8.
N.B. APA Division 8 Fellowship is a SEPARATE recognition and process distinct from SPSP’s Fellows program. Please see
Division 8 APA Fellows:
• must have a doctoral degree;
• must be an APA Division 8 member;
• must have prior status as an APA member for at least one year, and nomination by Division 8 (unless applicants are Current Fellows of another APA Division; see instructions below);
• must have at least five years of postdoctoral experience;
• must have made an extraordinary and distinctive contribution to the science of Personality and Social Psychology.*
The process to become an APA Fellow has two pathways:
Path 1: For First-time APA Fellowship via Division 8
• An application is submitted via the APA Online Fellows Application Platform available at This website also contains specific instructions and necessary materials.
• Please visit to view a Sample Fellows endorsement letter.**
• Final approval is by the APA.
Path 2: For Current Fellows of Another APA Division
If you are a current Fellow of another APA Division, you can become a Division 8 Fellow with the approval of the SPSP Fellows Committee:
• Since you are already an APA Fellow, you do not need to fill out the APA applications or process again.
• If you are a member in good standing in Division 8 of APA (i.e., current members of APA who also pay the extra $2 beyond APA dues to be members of Division 8), you may request that the SPSP Fellows Committee nominate you to APA as a Fellow of APA Division 8.
• Click the button below to submit your application. The materials will be sent to the SPSP Fellows committee*** who will review and pass your name along to APA if approved.
• Final approval is by the APA.
All application materials for either path are due by 11:59pm on Sunday, January 12, 2025.
Please contact Division 8 SPSP representative Jenn Lodi-Smith ( with any questions.
* Example evidence to demonstrate this distinction can be viewed at
** Division 8 fellows approved at the August convention will not be able to endorse any fellowship nominations until after January 1, when their Fellow status takes effect.
***The collection of nomination material is coordinated by the SPSP Fellows Committee and sent to the APA only in instances in which applicants are already an APA Fellow in another division.
Questions? Contact Jenn Lodi-Smith,
Contact Crystal Moore ( with any additional questions.